Gold Standard of Longevity

The gold standard for longevity and good health is a whole food, plant-based diet. Not only is a plant-based diet better for the environment and the animals, but it is also better for human health and longevity according to many studies. Try a veggie-heavy diet for a week and see if it energizes your work out. Lift some kale and cucumbers along with your weights. Press tomatoes, and run with some carrots, and radishes. Stretch out your dishes with legumes, like peas, lentils, and beans and bust out the fat with an avocado. Squeeze lemons over all of it and to help those thighs squeeze into those skinny jeans by the end of the week. Energy comes from the food we eat so to amp up your work out amp up the vibrancy of your foods. Choose an abundant assortment of diverse, colorful and tasty veg will make your skin glow and your heart beat stronger while your waist line gets smaller.Comments by Daisy Carlson Photo by Raw Pixel