Finding Your Tribe

CoolHive Daily Fashion Friday
We have all felt the pressure to dress for acceptance by our tribe, whether in the office or even in a yoga class yet our individuality also has pride of place. I have been fooling around with the concept of un-fashioning fashion. One of the things I have enjoyed is dawning the tribal threads that I have collected over the years and stepping into the traditions and aesthetic of my sisters in other places. At recently wore my Maasai beaded collar, cuffs and earrings over a simple black shift and last night an Indian Sari.Yes they are out of place and from another tribe than my own but in that stepping out is a weaving into the history of women and their sisterhood around the globe.
Women are stitched together with patterns and threads. When traveling through Asia, South America, and Africa I have come across women, weaving, sewing, dyeing, beading and connecting to each other over spun wool. In those raw fibers, is the weft of their identity, the traces of their sisterhood over time. Commercial cloth feels dead to me in contrast. I am you and you are me is broader than our clicks and collectives it is the Us of women in the world, wrapping our babies on our backs, tilling the soil, taming the men, discovering the stars, leading countries and stepping out in all the colors of the rainbow. Article Daisy Carlson Photo by Tarn Hildreth