It is not making energy from sun that is the problem with solar energy, it has been storing for night time use that has been the challenge up until now. Understanding the future of clean energy was dependent on storage, Lockheed Martin began its push into stationary energy storage for grid and renewables applications in mid-2016. This marked their intention for a long-term investment in energy storage which is essential to a clean energy. The Deployment of 12MWh stationery storage, announced in March 2018 at Cypress Creek, which has had a prolific last couple of years in PV plant development, marks the company’s first foray into solar-plus-storage. Lockheed undertaking development, construction, financing and commissioning.
Cypress Creek Renewables, which developed 1GW of PV projects in an 18-month stretch up to the beginning of this year, has used Lockheed Martin’s lithium-ion battery storage solutions in a dozen just-completed solar-plus-storage projects.Storage has been the missing link to having solar provide most of our energy. Executing PV projects primarily in North Carolina and announcing US$1.5 billion of investment for 2GW of solar in that state last November, Cypress Creek is using the GridStar Lithium energy storage solution made by the US aerospace and defence giant for 12 of its projects in communities served by Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation. We have officially turned the tide on fossil fuels with moves like these. Article Daisy Carlson, Photo Andreas Gücklhorn