Cool Shop

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Why Shop Cool?

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Embarrassed about your environmental footprint? We cut through the confusion with fun solutions that look good and feel good. The Cool Hive shop curates items that can help you reduce your carbon emissions and other pollutants. Our products are better for you and better for the planet.


According to Green Biz, for every item bought or sold there is a rise in GDP, and with each 1 percent increase in GDP there is a corresponding 0.5 to 0.7 percent rise in carbon emissions. Changing consumer behavior is a key component to reversing climate change. Consumer safety must begin to include atmospheric health. When you shop keep in mind the footprint you leave behind.


I realize Amazon Prime could do more to offset their carbon emissions, we are working on them. In the meantime please try and bulk your orders or even better buy these things at your local shops. I curated these products to offer easy affordable solutions that could save you time and money.  We look for healthier options for you and the planet. Cool Hive estimates 2.5% of your purchase price could offset the carbon emissions associated with most products. Our carbon offsets sequester carbon with rotational grazing practices in Kenya that help also build biodiversity, habitat and reduce poverty. Our carbon offset provides more food security and provides economic stimulus to restore the land.  This economic security keeps girls in school which is crucial to the long term health of communities and the planet. More carbon in these soils also improves water soil water retention and makes the land more drought-resistant. Our offsets literally provide a world of good that save the lives of people and animals. I worked in Kenya and covered two seasons of drought, I saw children dying because of climate change ten years ago. Our offsets address the whole system restoratively, sequestering carbon dioxide with photosynthesis to restore and protect the land, the animals and the people.

So please give a ton or two today back to the land to protect our atmosphere and our global community. Carbon Offsets

Cool Guidelines

We drive corporate behavior with our consumer choices. It is time to demand a climate-safe life by choosing differently.


Required homework to live on a healthy planet is to reduce our emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050


In 2019 we are still 30% above 1990 levels. Consumer behavior drives policy decisions.


Cool Hive helps you reduce your emissions by 80% while saving you money and improving you lifestyle.


Average emissions of associated with consumer goods, including transportation and mining.